The Project

MELODIC is a European Union sponsored project to develop a multi-cloud management platform with the same name. The MELODIC platform will enable data-intensive applications to run within defined security, cost, and performance boundaries seamlessly on geographically distributed and federated cloud infrastructures. 

MELODIC will thereby realise the potential of heterogeneous cloud environments for big data and data-intensive applications by transparently taking advantage of distinct characteristics of available private and public clouds, dynamically optimising resource utilisation, considering data locality, conforming to the user’s privacy needs and service requirements, and countering vendor lock-in. Hence, the main objective of the MELODIC project is to enable data-aware application deployments on geographically distributed and federated cloud infrastructures. 

The ambitious MELODIC platform would require a huge effort to be build from scratch and the only reason why it is feasible to realise it in a moderately sized project like MELODIC is that it will be created as an integration of available open source technologies, while providing the required extensions for efficient cross-cloud data-intensive processing. That is, MELODIC will utilize the PaaSage platform for cross-cloud deployment and cross-cloud resource management; the open source CACTOS platform for infrastructure resource management; the PaaSword platform for transparent cross-cloud security; and the open source frameworks Hadoop and Spark for the storage and processing of big data volumes.


This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 731664.